What was 2023 like for the schools sector of the General Union? It was obviously a busy year, with some progress with ongoing disputes and the start of new projects!
We successfully launched our first ALTs campaign and can now consider how to use the results to start discussions with the central government to improve the working conditions for ALTs nationwide.
In private schools, in addition to helping members with their unlimited term contract applications, we have also been fighting against classes cut at several places. Unfair working hours changes has been one of our major concerns this year again.
As for international schools, while members used to be very discreet and a bit anxious about taking action due to the nature of their work, this year we’ve seen more members coming together to demand improvements in their working conditions, fight for pay raises, apply for unlimited term contracts, and much more!
Overall, 2023 set the pace for a very active and determined schools sector in 2024, with more union activities, more campaigns, and more negotiations with workplaces. How about you? What are your goals for 2024? Join the union and achieve those goals!