- l Workers’ comp. criteria revised for first time in 20 years: brain, heart conditions–starting Sep. 15l
- Extensions to applicable period and application deadlines for COVID-19 Leave Support and Benefit Payments
- Fuji Soba’s firing of union officials riled “invalid”; fraudulent receipt of Employment Adjustment Subsidy found, money returned
- Part-time lecturers at Osaka U. call for “direct employment” if put in charge of classes: MEXT investigates
- Toyota employee’s suicide ruled work-related: depression caused by demanding tasks and harassment–Nagoya Superior Court
- 24.5% say “standard of living declined” due to COVID: survey
- Racial disparity remains in U.S. unemployment rate; the rate for African-Americans worsens to 8.8%–August employment statistics
- Uber drivers are not independent contractors, but employees says Dutch court
- And more!
(Translated from Japanese)