Labor Update Bulletin #123 (09/2021)

Oct 5, 2021

In this bulletin…

  • Up to four weeks, divided period possible–new paternity leave system to start next year in Autumn: Cabinet decision
  • End of COVID-19 State of Emergency”: September 28, 2021, Cabinet Secretariat
  • Transfer of part-timers to direct employment considered: Osaka U
  • Health center staff make report to LSIO: “On the brink of karoshi”, “tense conditions day and night”
  • Nagoya City U. receives citation from LSIO for non-payment of overtime
  • 6.6% of people say they are LGBTQ+; harassment encountered–Jichiro survey
  • Deaths from work causes, such as long work hours, total nearly 1.9 million a year: WHO/ILO estimate
  • 36.4 million elderly, or 29%, the highest in the world–one in four working
  • Switzerland legalizes same-sex marriage: in referendum, 64% vote in favor
  • And more!

(Translated from Japanese)