Put your knowledge to the test by taking our myth busting quiz and discover the truth behind common misconceptions about employee health and pension insurance in Japan.
Since 2004, the General Union has been fighting for workers’ rights to proper Shakai Hoken enrollment. We’ve encountered countless myths perpetuated by employers seeking to deny employees these essential benefits.
These myths are deliberate attempts to mislead workers and rob them of their legal rights. By spreading false information, companies try to evade their responsibilities and leave employees vulnerable to financial hardship.
But the General Union has been working tirelessly to debunk these myths. As our “Voice” article from December 2004 highlighted, we’ve been challenging the “Big Lies from the Big Eikaiwa” and other industries, pushing for fair treatment and compliance.
We’ve compiled 25 of the most common myths and facts about Shakai Hoken, drawing from real experiences and frequently asked questions.
Test your knowledge and learn the truth to protect your rights. For each statement, select whether you think it’s a myth or fact. After submitting your answer, you’ll see a detailed explanation of the reality behind each point.
Remember, if you suspect your employer is misleading you about your Shakai Hoken rights, the General Union is here to help.
Let’s start busting some myths! TAKE THE QUIZ!