Sunday, 28 January at 13:00. Learn how to make your application for an Unlimited Term Contract (UTC) and protect your rights RSVP HERE

The seminar will focus specifically on UTC issues for those working in private elementary, junior and senior high schools, and universities. 

You are eligible to apply for a UTC (Unlimited Term Contract) after five years of continuous employment. By getting a UTC you will no longer need to worry about contract renewals. That’s right – no more arbitrary excuses like, “Sorry, your contract has expired.”  

A UTC also protects your working conditions, as during the life of a contract, your employment conditions cannot be changed – and the UTC is the last one you’ll need. This means no contract changes between contracts, as you will no longer be getting a new one, and no deterioration of your work life, as your employer will need to get your permission to worsen your working conditions. 

Is this all guaranteed? 
Like with all things in life, there are very few guarantees, and we all know how employers try to get around laws that benefit workers. The GU is, of course, battling on this front too: we have forced more than a few universities to giving UTCs after five years (many were trying for ten years), and recently we are involved with schools that try to cut lessons/koma between academic years.  

So, while nothing is guaranteed, most employers are following along with the law, but YOU must apply. Once the application is made, the employer must accept and cannot change your working conditions under the new unlimited term contract. 

We’ll be teaching you the ins and outs of making the application and what your rights are. For example: 

  1. How long does it take to process a UTC? 
  1. Can my application for a UTC be declined? 
  1. Can my salary change after signing a UTC? 
  1. Will I no longer be eligible for yearly pay raises and bonuses? 
  1. How will I be notified of changes in salary, and do I need documentation? 
  1. Can my school end my UTC contract? 
  1. How can a UTC contract be terminated? 
  1. What conditions can change without my permission? 
  1. Can the conditions of my contract change during the school year? 
  1. Will having a UTC cause me to have to retire early or take a major pay cut at 60 years old? 

And much, much more! See you on 28 January at 1PM. RSVP HERE

Sponsored by: General Union University & Colleges Branch, and Private Schools Branch