General Union Protests Outside International Language Center on Osaka Union Network General Action Day

Osaka Union Network General Action Day was held on November 28. General Union members took part to protest at a variety of workplace headquarters to demand companies participate in collective bargaining, renew contracts, stop harassment, and much more.

At 15:00, the group of activists headed to the headquarters of International Language Center (ILC) to speak and demonstrate in support of our member and to demand their contract be renewed. The General Union has taken ILC to court after ILC suddenly changed our member’s fifth contract to non-renewable, thus disqualifying him from an unlimited term contract. After 4 consecutive renewable contracts, ILC has stopped our member from having the job security that comes with an unlimited term contract.

Here is the letter of demand given to ILC. Read it and share to let ILC know we don’t back down against this unjust termination!

Letter of Demand

Osaka Union Network is a coalition of labor unions in Osaka Prefecture.

We’ve been made aware that J.A, a member of our coalition partner General Union, was unjustly terminated by your company. This case is presently under review in the Osaka District Court.

In this case, while involved in collective bargaining regarding the renewal of J.A’s fifth-year contract, which he needed to secure more permanent employment in the future, ILC unexpectedly and unilaterally introduced a new clause to the employment contract, post-negotiation, stating, “This is the final contract.”

Your behavior is not only a hostile act which undermines the unlimited term employment contract conversion system which aims to stabilize employment security, but it is also a failure to abide by the employer’s duty to undertake collective bargaining in good faith as stipulated in the Trade Union Law.

The Osaka Union Network, which will not tolerate any denial of the legal rights of both trade unions and workers, hereby demands that your company withdraw the dismissal of J.A, compensate him for the damages he has suffered, and work toward a speedy resolution of this matter.


Naohiro Nishiyama
Osaka Union Network