- “In Regard to System Revisions in Accordance with Amendments to Health Insurance Act, Etc. (Disability Benefit, Voluntary Continuation, Lump-Sum Childbirth Benefit)” — National Health Insurance Association
- Government’s “Summary of Tax System Amendments for Fiscal Year Reiwa 4 [2022]” Dec. 24, 2021 — Finance Ministry
- Teachers’ overtime unpaid under invalid labor agreement: school apologizes after receiving citation
- Illegal to refuse unlimited-term contract after five years: Tokyo District Court verdict in case of Senshu U. language teacher
- Over \200 million in unpaid overtime at Mie U. schools; two principals take responsibility and resign
- Japan Post, after verdict finds disparities, proposes “cutting paid holidays for full-timers”
- When getting vaccinated, “foreign nationals without status of residence” do not need to be reported; municipalities divided
- 46 prefectures remove “sex” field from application forms: all except Tokyo, public high schools
- Wealthiest 1% possess nearly 40% of world’s wealth: French research group
- Ebetsu, Hokkaido, to introduce “partner system” within the year; second in the prefecture, after Sapporo
- And more!

(Translated from Japanese)