Sunday, 6 November・11月6日(日)14:00 to 17:00
RSVP Attendance here・参加申し込みはこちら
Hybrid Meeting: L-Osaka Minami-Kan (South Annex) Rm. 72 or ZOOM
Language: Japanese/English bilingual meeting with interpretation
Part I: Workers in Japan, What Future? Inequality and Poverty Widening
「日本における労働者、その未来は 」(不平等・貧困拡大)
Mieko Takenobu・竹信 三恵子:Professor Emeritus at Wako University and freelance journalist (former Asahi Shimbun)・フリージャーナリスト兼和光大学名誉教授
Richard Katz・リチャード カッツ:Weekly Toyo Keizai writer and author・『週刊東洋経済』ライター兼著述家
Part II: Refugee Situation in Japan・日本における難民の現状
Maho Hadano・羽田野 真帆 亡命への扉・名古屋のコーディネーター
Sponsor・主催:General Union・ゼネラルユニオン
Moderator・司会: GU General Secretary, Dennis Tesolat・テソラット・デニス(ゼネラルユニオン書記長)
About the Speakers・講演者プロフィール
Ms Mieko Takenobu will be speaking about inequality and the changes in the labour market that have fuelled its increase. In particular the increase in the number of irregular workers.
Mieko is a former Asahi Shimbun journalist and Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Human Studies at Wako University. She is the author of a number of books on the plight of women and irregular workers Japan, as well as a Japanese companion volume to Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the Twenty First Century. Her latest book, 賃金破壊――労働運動を「犯罪」にする国 (The destruction of wages—The country that criminalises the labour movement), is about the attacks on the Kansai Ready Mix Concrete Workers’ Union (Kan’nama.)
Mr Richard Katz will be speaking about the fall of real wages in Japan and the reasons behind it as well as his thoughts on the division between regular and irregular workers.
Richard is a writer for Weekly Toyo Keizai. He is the author of a number of books and articles on Japan, including Japan: The System That Soured—The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Economic Miracle (M.E. Sharpe, 1998) He is presently working on a book on the restoration of entrepreneurship in Japan. He publishes a free blog at
『週刊東洋経済』ライター。日本に関する著書・論文に「Japan. The System That Soured-The Rise and Fall of Japanese Economic Miracle」(M.E.Sharpe、1998年)など多数。現在、日本における起業家精神の回復をテーマにした本を執筆中。richardkatz.substack.comで無料ブログを公開。
Ms Maho Hadano is the co-ordinator of Door to Asylum Nagoya (DAN), an NPO that assists refugees and asylum seekers in the Achi Region. She is originally for Kani in Gifu Prefecture.
She spent roughly 3 years in the USA during elementary school. A friendship with a Palestinian classmates motivated her later in life to become an advocate for asylum seekers and refugees.
After entering university, she became more attuned to the experiences of asylum seekers in Japan and subsequently became involved in holding interdisciplinary lectures and exhibitions concerning refugees. She has also run Japanese language classes for these groups, has interpreted for them during legal consultations and translated documents to be submitted for refugee applications.
To better engage in the field of refugee and asylum seeker support, Maho has been involved with Door to Asylum since its founding in 2012.
羽田野真帆氏は愛知県方面で難民・亡命申請者を支援するNPOであるDoor to Asylum Nagoya (DAN) (亡命への扉・名古屋) のコーディネーター。岐阜県可児市出身。
難民・亡命申請者への支援の一層の強化のために、2012年の創立以来Door to Asylum Nagoyaの活動に参加している。