Labor Update Bulletin #137 (4/2022)

Apr 22, 2022

In this bulletin...

  • Public pension amounts to decrease by 0.4% beginning in April; starting age range to be widened
  • “Monetary settlement system for invalid firings”: MHWL committee makes report
  • “Unfair dismissal void”: clinical psychologist on itaku contract sues Shobi U.
  • Union vote win a “workers’ uprising”: discontent smolders at Amazon amid pandemic
  • Vietnamese interns, forced to quit, protest at organization telling them to leave union
  • “Same work as regular staff, with pay cut in half”: fifteen re-employed staff sue JR Kyushu
  • Citation for Toei: Overtime unpaid to Kamen Rider production staff– “such a work-style cannot be thought justified”
  • “Shift system” workers in poverty; lawyers form group to push for legislation
  • Ukraine’s GDP shrinks by 45%; Russia in a “deep recession”: World Bank predictions
  • Hitachi removes minimum work hours, also makes “3 days off a week” possible
  • Total worldwide COVID-19 infections top 500 million; up by 100 million over 2 months, no end in sight yet
  • And more!

(Translated from Japanese)