- Supplementary budget for coronavirus measures aimed for by end of year: Chief Cabinet Secretary
- “Urgent Proposal: Towards the Beginning of a “New Capitalism” to Open a Path to the Future”: Nov. 8, 2021: New Capitalism Council
- Subsidy special measures to be reduced after New Year; government to continue them until March for companies in trouble
- Popular cake shop “squeezing will to work out of us”: overtime of more than 100 hours becomes commonplace–no improvement even after citation
- Indictment sent to Kyoto district prosecutor: charges of falsifying Labor Bureau document
- “Fake subcontracting” found at Toli: direct employment by de-facto system–Osaka Superior Court verdict
- Union of “freelance” transport-industry drivers send demands seeking improved treatment
- All seats decided in lower house election: LDP “overwhelming majority”, Ishin becomes third-largest party
- World COVID deaths top 5 million; “pandemic far from over”–WHO
- August welfare applications number over 19,000; four months in a row higher than corresponding months of last year
- Aned more!
(Translated from Japanese)