The ECC Branch of the General Union has called two strikes for 30 October and 6 November and will be holding a Rally for Solidarity and to Call Out ECC on Sunday, 17 October at 10am and 8pm.
ALL General Union members are urged to come for a show of support for their union mates at ECC.
The General Union ECC Branch is the largest branch in the General Union. As such, they have played a pivotal role in shaping the fight for eikaiwa workers’ rights in the language teaching industry in Japan.
A victory for the GU anywhere is a victory for union members everywhere! Showing that we stick together wherever we work, puts all employers on notice!
ECC members have declared a strike in order to fight for:
- Better working conditions in general
- Increased wages
- More time off
- Unlimited term contracts with no-contract renewal limit.
Most of all, our fight is for new contract teachers who are forced to make up for national holidays by working on their days off. This is the beginning of an erosion of our rights to paid days off for national holidays.
ECC members need your help. Show ECC that our GU members are not alone and voice your support!!