In this bulletin…
- Under state of emergency, MEXT sends notice to schools to reopen with staggered attendance;
- Summary of “Amended Elderly Persons Employment Stability Act” (effective April 1, 2021);
- “Notice of Special Provisions for Employment Insurance Job-Seekers’ Benefit due to COVID-19” – MHWL;
- Precarious position of after-school care workers thrown into relief – teachers laid off, parents bewildered;
- NOVA teachers avoid strike: company to return pay docked for taking days off due to coronavirus;
- “I’m tired” says the recording he left behind: company worker’s suicide ruled an industrial accident;
- “Sign here, right now”: constructive dismissal rampant at foreign-affiliated firm? McAfee employee sues to void forced resignation
- Toshiba decides not to extend closure, reopens with new system of 3 days off a week;
And more!
(Translated from Japanese)