Every year since 2010 the union submits demands to multiple universities where members want us to ask that there be no cuts in koma (wages, other working conditions).
We will be sending these demands out to about 40 universities across Japan.
We want to help you improve job security in your workplace by preventing cuts and making sure teachers are granted unlimited term contracts. For those of you who know about the 10-year exception that universities are often illegally enforcing, there is good news as courts are turning down the use of these exceptions for regular, non-research, teachers. The General Union is also know considering a law suit against a Doshisha school over whether schools have the right to cut the koma of those on unlimited term contracts.
There is a lot of work ahead, and I hope that you can help us help you by getting out our HOOK leaflet and survey to non-union members in your workplace. Members have already signed up to take over 2000 leaflets and I hope that you will volunteer to do the same. Hand them to colleagues, put them in teacher mailboxes, leave them in the teachers room. Let’s spread the word to help non-members join the union and give us info about their workplaces.
Share the link to our 2023 leaflet: https://uni.generalunion.org/2023leaflet
Order leaflets (we’ll mail them to you): https://uni.generalunion.org/2023leaflet_order