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At the end of August, 2015, a "Head Teacher" of one of the largest dispatch companies in Japan sent out…
At the end of August, 2015, a "Head Teacher" of one of the largest dispatch companies in Japan sent out…
In January of 2016, local governments and various organizations across Japan will begin to use the new "My Number" system…
In January of 2016, local governments and various organizations across Japan will begin to use the new "My Number" system…
Health insurance, city tax, income tax, sales tax, pension insurance, apartment rental, car rental, utility bills, Abenomics... It seems that…
In Japan, there are three main trade union federations:1. Zenrokyo is an independent federation with no links to the Communist…
The General Union was established in June 1991 as a union that anyone could join regardless of their workplace or…
As you may know, the General Union is comprised of many different branches. One of these branches is our Shinobu…
On July 30th, the GENERAL UNION reported that it had won a salary increase and new computers for its members…
相手は、あの高槻市にAETを送り出してきた姉妹都市・オーストラリアのトゥーンバ市 ゼネラルユニオンは8月28日、高槻市のAET達の送り出し元であるオーストラリア・トゥーンバ地域協議会(TRC, Toowoomba Regional Council)と団体交渉を行います。
Something not right at your LC? Do you think there is something happening that needs to be reported? Is it…
"I've just received my tax and health insurance bills. I need more money and I've found a job paying more.…
What is a company's most important asset? Is it the cash in its bank account? Nope, not even close! How…
すべての争議に勝利するとともに、労働者派遣法改悪、残業代ゼロ法案、集団的自 衛権の法制化、憲法破壊に反対し、安倍政権、財界の暴走を止めよう。労働者が安心 して生きていける社会を作るため闘おう。 安倍政権の暴走が極まっている。今国会では集団的自衛権の法制化、いわゆる戦争 法案の成立を巡って攻防が繰り広げられている。戦争法案を拒否する多くの人々が、 あるいは座り込み、あるいはデモをして国会外に押し寄せている。安倍政権が通そう としている今次法案が、戦後最大の平和憲法の破壊であり、なおかつ立憲主義そのも のの破壊であるからだ。
As well as fighting to win every one of our disputes, let’s stand in opposition to the gutting of the…