“Know Your Rights” Seminar, a Great Success

3月 27, 2022 ,

Thanks to all of you who made our “Know Your Rights” Seminar a big success.

Sixty union and non-union members from around the country met on Sunday, 20 March to learn about their rights to an unlimited term employment contract, and health and pension enrolment. There was also a presentation from TELL (formerly Tokyo English Life Line) about their support of immigrants mental health issues in Japan as well as an introduction to their counseling services.

You are welcome to view the presentations by downloading the pdf files below. Remember, if you have a consultation regarding either health and pension insurance, or unlimited term contracts, you can reach us by going to www.generalunion.org/consultation.

Seminar Presentations

1. Health and Pension Insurance

2. Unlimited Term Contracts (special info for university teachers)

3. TELL (formerly Tokyo English Life Line) PDF1  PDF2