ALC Education Employee Rep・アルクエジュケーション従業員代表

Employees at ALC Education will face a workers representative election on Tuesday, 22 March and GU members are urging all employees to refuse to vote due to a number of unanswered questions.

  1. Workers rep possibly signing away rights to paid holidays and agreeing to mandatory overtime.従業員代表が、有給休暇の権利を放棄し強制残業に同意する恐れがあります。
  2. Rushing the vote through with no chance to talk to different candidates.従業員がいろんな候補者と話す機会もないままで、ただ投票に突進しています。
  3. No splitting up the election by area/workplace as is required by the Labour Standards Law.労働基準法で定められている地域・事業所ごとの選挙が行なわれません。

If you have a friend at ALC, urge them to hold off on their vote. アルクエデュケーションに友人がおられましたら、投票を控えることを勧めてください。