Groundbreaking 3-year Wage Deal at ECC!

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Groundbreaking 3-year Wage Deal at ECC!

With a falling yen and rising inflation, ECC branch members demanded better than their standard raise of 1% or less…

Workers at ECC Make Up One of General Union’s Largest Workplace Branches, and for Good Reason!

For over 20 years, ECC members have been fighting for benefits in the workplace. Some of the things we have…

April 7th Collective Bargaining Kicked Off Between ECC and General Union

By Fred Henley Last Friday, the union’s representatives sat at the bargaining table with ECC’s management to discuss annual demands…

ECC: Instructors Voice Mask Concern, Company Issues Mask Correction

By: Fred Henley In light of impending changes to national mask-wearing guidelines from March 13th and the May 8th downgrade…


Together with the General Union, ECC employees have worked hard to make ECC a better company for over 20 years.…

2022 ECC Teachers Strike Ends as Company Offers Concessions

Note: General Union and ECC are currently collaborating on a draft collective agreement which will officially conclude negotiations. Since it…

Language Teachers in Japan – Don’t Scab for ECC!

If you have been following recent news about ECC, you are already aware that unionized workers – mostly instructors –…

ECC Teachers Strike Against Stagnant Pay, Overwork

Today, Saturday April 16th, ECC teachers and other ECC workers are on strike as General Union urges ECC to continue…

Berlitz, ECC Workers Demand a Pay Rise in Reaction to Government Plan

The Berlitz and ECC branches of the General Union recently issued their annual demands to their respective employers. Among other things,…

ECC, Union Reach Agreement

ECC members of the General Union began negotiations for the 2021 year in March 2021. Members had already spent one…

General Union ECC Branch: Solidarity & Action Online Rally

The ECC Branch of the General Union has called two strikes for 30 October and 6 November and will be…

ECC Teachers Vote to Strike!

The ECC Branch of the General Union – the single largest workplace branch in the General Union – has voted…


2019年12月15日、ゼネラルユニオン所属のECC組合員(西日本と東海地区)と東京労組所属のECC組合員(関東地区)とは合同支部会議を拓き、2020年度に向けての要求を討議、決定した。 次年度に向けての要求は通常この時期に会社に提出されるもので、我々が会社に12月23日の週に要求を送ったことを連絡すると、会社側は「恒例の組合からのクリスマスプレセントですね」と冗談を返すのである。そういうことで、読者の方々にはキッチュなイメージをこの記事に使うことをご容赦頂きたい。

Santa Claus Prepares for Annual ECC Visit

On 15 December ECC members at the General Union (western Japan and Tokai) and Tokyo Roso (Kanto area) held a…


ECCでの半年に及んだ交渉は7月21日に終結した。支部組合員の75%が会社側の最終回答を受諾する意思を投票によって示し、ストライキは回避された。今年の交渉には何度もギリギリの局面があり、二度に渡るストライキ延期が行なわれ、このストライキ決行態勢が圧力となって組合員に具体的な成果をもたらした。 ゼネラルユニオンと東京労組ECC組合員の圧倒的多数によって承認された会社からの最終回答は以下。