Labor Update Bulletin #82 (03/2020)

Apr 4, 2020

In this bulletin…

  • “In Regard to Nationwide Temporary Closures of Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools and Special-Needs Schools in Order to Prevent Infection with Novel Coronavirus (notice)” (Gen-Monka-Hatsu #1585, Feb. 28, Reiwa 2 [2020]);

  • Prime Minister Abe admits explanation inadequate, clarifies request for school closures, indicates aid for time off work;

  • Novel virus “employment adjustment subsidy” eligibility expanded: affected businesses;

  • “Support for Parents and Guardians Taking Leave Due to Closures of Elementary Schools, Etc. (Setting Up of New Subsidy System)” MHWL release, March 2, 2020;

  • Kosei Nenkin eligibility criteria for part-timers extended: reform bill decided on in Cabinet;

  • With parents off work, Suga says support to be given to freelancers and self-employed too;

  • Wakayama high school teacher’s suicide confirmed as due to overwork: “at-home overtime and club activities the cause”;

  • Over 20 million yen in unpaid wages at JA Tsukuba;

  • And more!

(Translated from Japanese)
