For employment insurance, work hours at side jobs to be added for those over 65
“Power harassment” (pawahara) to be listed clearly in workers’ compensation standards: debate begins on mental disorders
Government to consider submitting bill in 2020 to extend the retirement age for public servants, starting in 2022
Options for working until 70 expanded to include support for starting businesses, philanthropic activities
Hours at side jobs to be added when granting compensation approval
National government decides on policy for judging power harassment: guideline for requirement on companies to take prevention measures
Limitation on claims for unpaid overtime to be made three years for now, lengthened to five years in the future
Private school teacher commits suicide after complaining to friend about pressure of club activities; family to apply for compensation
Labor Bureau gives corrective guidance to Takenaka Corporation for direction of non-company workers on-site, fake outsourcing, and others
Another step backward for gender equality: in gender gap index for 2019, Japan sets a new low record and comes in at 121st place – the lowest of any G7 country
Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) makes “getting away from Japanese-style employment” a clear part of their Shunto plan
2019 “Black Company” award goes to Mitsubishi Electric, the first company to receive the award for two years in a row
Number of births falls under 900,000 in 2019 for the first time – decline in birthrate proceeding faster than expected
Toyota union proposes pay rises according to evaluation
And more!

(Translated from Japanese)