Stop Harassment at Sophia University – Sign The Petition

Aug 30, 2019

Based on a “Memorandum” attached to the main employment contract with the university, Dr. Choo’s employment was conditional on being promoted to Associate Professor within 5 years.

Dr. Choo has applied for tenure 4 times, but her promotion evaluations have not been conducted properly due to serious academic and power harassment.

Dr. Choo filed a harassment grievance to the university’s Harassment Measures Committee in late 2018.

However, without listening to/verifying the submitted audio evidence etc., the Harassment Measures Committees concluded that “none of the acts constitute harassment”.

Sophia University then announced that they were releasing Dr. Choo of her duties on September 20, 2019 based on the “Memorandum” because she did not get promoted to Associate Professor.

Her students have launched a petition to stop the harassment against their teacher as they want Professor Choo to stay.

Please support their petition to protect current and future professors from harassment and to protect their quality of education at Sophia University.

— From our sister union: NUGW Tokyo Nambu —
