- Japanese-Language Education Promotion Act passes – obligates government and companies to give support for learning;
- Cabinet decides on Honebuto and Growth Strategy – support for “employment ice-age” generation included;
- Toshiba employees assigned to menial tasks after refusing to quit, criticized as “banishment room”;
- Filipina student forced to go home after seeking improvement in labor conditions to sue Japanese-language school;
- Called “salary thieves” and switched from regular employment to outsourcing, workers facing hardship sue for “fake subcontracting”;
- Salaries unpaid for 2,200 doctors at university hospitals;
- Business confidence takes a sudden turn for the worse – survey of 100 companies;
- Japan has longest work hours for teachers according to OECD survey;
- School corporation in Nagoya leaves 27 staff members’ family allowances unpaid for 10 years;
- The continuing spread of “partnership oath” systems;
- ILO totally bans harassment – proposed treaty to be adopted at annual meeting;
- And more!

(Translated from Japanese)