Time to PARiTY: General Union Activity and Policy Report

7月 16, 2019

Also included is information covering the General Union’s policy as we head into the future. The union’s parity campaign which covers such issues as health and pension insurance, dispatching, unlimited term contracts, and equal pay for work of equal value is spelt out along with a report of our negotiations and continuing Q&A with government officials. The General Union’s policy on immigration and cooperation with other NUGW to create an umbrella organisation of unions involved in education is also outlined.

The booklet includes a special appendix dealing with changes in the way ALTs (and others working for local governments) will be employed starting in 2020.

We hope that this booklet provides you not only with information about the union and our activity, but also provides you with knowledge about the laws and government regulations which affect your working life.

Please download the booklet here.
