Labor Update Bulletin #52 (01/2019)

2月 15, 2019

In this bulletin…

• Aiming to prevent non-enrollment, Japan Finance Corporation and Okinawa Finance Corporation to make Shakai Hoken a condition for financing;

• MHLW releases pamphlet on “‘Equal Pay for Equal Work’ for Dispatch Workers”;

• “Double work” on the rise – industrial-accident recognition at only one company may sharply reduce lost-wage benefits;

• MHLW underpaid 19.73 million people a total of over 50 billion yen;

• Insurance agencies deduct expenses from wages – former salespeople file suit one after another across the country;

• No more pre-start greeting” – private high-school teachers strike;

• Nearly 70% say they “intend to work even after 60”;

• One after another, various places move to accept sexual diversity;

• And more!

(Translated from Japanese)
