Takatsuki City to Appeal Yet Again After Osaka High Court Rules On “Takatsuki AET Graduation Incident”

Oct 1, 2018

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In a nutshell, the High Court overturned the initial decision of the Lower Court and upheld the Prefectural Labor Commission’s unfair labor practice relief order.

The ruling acknowledged both the exclusion of the General Union members from the graduation ceremonies and the Board of Education’s “explanation of the reasons” given to Takatsuki City Council as unfair labor practices.

While this verdict is clearly a total victory for both the Labor Commission and the General Union (and a total loss for Takatsuki City), one point in particular deserves special attention:

In several parts of the ruling, there are statements made to the effect that “Takatsuki City should be able to easily back up their claims with evidence – yet, they have not done so. Therefore Takatsuki City’s claims cannot be accepted”.

Or, in less diplomatic words: Takatsuki City might be lying.

Although this is a clear condemnation of the city’s attitude and assertions, even so, Takatsuki City is seeking to appeal again!

Of course, Takatsuki City has the legal right to appeal to the Supreme Court – but the city has already spent more than five million yen of public money on their so-called “AET problem”, rather than accepting fault.

However, they still say they will pour even more public money onto the flames, with the ultimate goal of taking the issue to the Supreme Court!

It goes without saying, but the General Union will not give up the fight until Takatsuki City finally accepts responsibility for its actions.

Takatsuki City has anyway already been caught lying – “aiming to appeal” is just piling shame on top of shame.

We’ll see the results of the city’s latest round of adventurism in a few months.
