Is new NOVA regressing?

Aug 15, 2018

Two days? Three? Four? A week?

Nope! One full month – and then it even gets worse from there.

      In the case that the company is informed less than one month in advance, the salary is reduced by 1%.
            Less than a week in advance, reduction is 2%.
                  One day in advance and the reduction is 3%.

An employer can’t demand one month’s notice, or even one week’s notice. Most employers even allow you to apply for a paid holiday after you’ve been away sick.

And then the fact that a reduction is actually a predetermined penalty. What does the Labour Standards Law say about penalties…

Article 16 – (Ban on Predetermined Compensation) – “An employer shall not make a contract which fixes in advance either a sum payable to the employer for breach of contract or an amount of compensation for damages.

Well, like in the past, the union will only be able to fix this when NOVA employees decided that enough is enough. Don’t let NOVA drag working conditions back into the dark ages!
