Let’s PARiTY in Kansai
Sunday, 26 November 15:30~1700 PLP Kaikan
(map and leaflet download)
15:30~17:00 Your choice of *Labour Seminar OR **Wills & Inheritances
Let’s PARiTY in Tokai
Sunday, November 13:45~16:45 Office Park Nagoya (Dai’ichi Nagoya Bldg)
map and leaflet download
14:00~15:00 *Labour Seminars
15:15~16:15 **Wills and Inheritances Seminar
*Labour Seminars
After a fixed-term employment contract is renewed for a total employment period of over 5 years, the contract can be converted to a permanent one.
HEALTH AND PENSION INSURANCE (shakai hoken & shigaku kyosai)
• Pension eligibility: From 25 to 10 years
• Enrollment: at 20 hours/wk (enterprises with 500 employees)
• Even if there are less than 500 employees, it is still possible to be enrolled at 20 hours
• Allows for dispatch that is longer than three years (workplace agreement, job type/ location change, unlimited term contract)
• Same working conditions for direct hired and dispatched employees mandated.
EQUITY GUIDELINES (regular vs contract workers)
• No discrimination in various allowances (overtime, regional, regular attendance allowances, etc.)
• No discrimination in special leaves and welfare benefits (non-statutory leave, sick leave, special leave, medical check leave)
• Working conditions of dispatched workers and direct-hire employees must be equal (pay, benefits and training)
DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS we can only go in depth about the first two laws listed.
**Wills & Inheritances Seminar
What happens in Japan if you die without a will? Does Japanese law take precedence or does the law back home? How is it decided? By the length of time here, if you’re married, or some other reason? How do I even make a will in Japan? An English speaking lawyer will deliver the presentation (Kansai only).