“Independent Contractor” Registry

Nov 25, 2016

We are going to make a registry of companies and schools that use “itaku” or “independent contracts” as a way to hide their responsibilities for employees, cheating people out of benefits such as paid annual leave, health, pension and unemployment insurance, workers accident insurance, maternity leave, and union representation, to name just a few.

If you believe your company might be using “independent contracts” and want them named, please send us a copy of your contract, a few payslips and a tax certificate (if you have it). Feel free to block out your name. Rest assured we will keep your personal information confidential. Union (@)generalunion.org


Nova – Started xxxxx. Company allegedly gave a choice between employment and idependepent contracts. While this did happen in some cases we also have evidence of some managers lying about doing this. Were pushing people onto these contracts without a true explanation of the difference sIn xxxx the company accepted the right of the union to negotaiate on behalf it’s “independent contractor” members. Failure to make movement on dismantling the system, the union launced a group action suit against the company on xxxxxx.

Gaba – The union has long believed that the Gaba contract is illegal, and that Gaba instructors are employees. In xxxx, the Osaka Labor Commission found that Gaba workers are entitled to the same rights of employees in terms of union representation.  The contract is still in existence. We believe it to be illegal because Gaba controls workers by dictating the location of work, the teaching materials and teaching methods, even the clothes they wear, amongst others. If you work at Gaba and are wiling to take a stand, all the way to court, contact us.

Trajal Academy – Claimed teacher to be xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx settled.


Xxxx University xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


World Family Academy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
