Osaka CNETs Win Right To Use Health Insurance For Sick Days

11月 21, 2016

CNETs only receive the legal minimum number of annual leave days every year. This system meant that if they went down with any kind of serious illness (i.e. one that lasted for more than a few days) they could find themselves with no annual leave at all.

The General Union took up the case of two of our members who had been told they had to take annual leave and demanded their right to use the sick pay system that they pay towards in their health insurance.

You can claim “shobyo teate” if you are sick for four or more consecutive days and you receive 66% of your normal wage. The money is paid out of the health insurance system and doesn’t cost the employer anything extra.

Osaka Board of Education’s response, while denying that the General Union members had been coerced into using their annual paid leave, recognised their right to do so and they have offered to restore the members annual paid leave, and have allowed them to receive “shobyo teate” instead.

Another step in the right direction.


