Senri International Campus Set To Close Saturday School?

Sep 5, 2016

The programs have been very successful, with over 300 students enrolled. In addition, they employ over 50, mainly part-time, teachers. The closure announcement took both teachers and parents by surprise, especially since no clear explanation was initially given for the closure. The attitude of many was that closing a successful program like this was irresponsible.

The General Union held negotiations with Kwansei Gakuin over the summer. At the meeting, the university stated that the closure was to allow for more use of facilities for the Osaka and Senri International Schools. The University informed the union that existing teachers would be guaranteed employed until 2018 regardless of student enrolment next year.

Parents who met with the university on the same day gave the Kwansei trusts representatives a hard time, and both teachers and parents are determined to see that both the “Saturday School” and “Just For Kids” program have a long future.

The General Union will work with parents representatives to ensure that this is the case.


