Things to remember at Berlitz

May 20, 2015


It was union members and teachers who joined after the company’s October announcement who forced the company to withdraw its proposals and enter into negotiations. If it wasn’t for union members at Berlitz you would have “bought a pig in a poke”. 

Now, teach that expression to your students.


The union is here for all Berlitz employees but can negotiate only for members!

The union has brought a lot of benefits to Berlitz teachers in the past:

● Proper paid holidays for contract and PL teachers

● Pay for rest day work

● Unemployment, health, and pension insurance, etc…

This time we’re not only negotiating “legal issues”. This means that while we believe the company must pay for the five minutes before, between, and after classes, how they do it, will be negotiated between the union and the company, union members’ priorities and ideas prevail. Want to be included in this? We welcome ANY Berlitz employee to join.

Joining the union is easy and it gives you a voice at the bargaining table

Dues for new members are 1,000 YEN for the remainder of the first, and next month (for those who pay through automatic payment on PayPal, bank, post office) and are then based on your earnings (between 500 and 3000 YEN per month). An easy online application and payment form can be found at

