Gaba lesson record Mindflash training: “NOT mandatory”

3月 19, 2014

Gaba wants instructors to do training for the new lesson they are introducing from May 1st this year. Many of you have noticed that Gaba were at pains to point out in the initial notices the that Mindflash module is “NOT mandatory”. This is due to the union raising the issue of forced unpaid training for the Gaba Starter Mindflash training at negotiations last year.

We of course had hoped for a bigger shift in Gaba policy, leading to paid training. While there have been no reports so far of Gaba staff intimidating instructors to do the unpaid training, they continue to expect instructors to do it for free. It is unreasonable to ask instructors to work for nothing.

Actually, the union is pleased to see that there is going to be a new lesson record system that will enable us to record more accurate information and hopefully cut down on unpaid overtime. It is good that Gaba has created a training system for us to learn how to use it. Those who have done the Mindflash module have indicated that it contains useful, helpful information about the new lesson record system, and that it is essential for understanding the new system correctly.

However it can take up to an hour to do the training, and the quiz included requires a 100% success rate to complete. This is work, pure and simple, and it is work that Gaba wants us to do for free. We should not have to choose between being better teachers and making a stand against unpaid training. Our students should not have to suffer because Gaba refuse us even the most basic of worker rights.

The union will be submitting demands that this training should be paid at the rate of one lesson slot per instructor. While we are pleased that Gaba has stopped intimidating teachers into doing unpaid training, it is not enough. Making this training paid helps instructors, clients, and the company. Having it as unpaid training short-changes everyone.

March 19, 2014
