Coolbiz: A Health Hazard?

Aug 1, 2012

 Like many other corporations, ECC has introduced setsuden at all district offices. Thermostats have been raised to 28 degrees on several floors of the ECC Honsha Building. This has lead to the union being contacted by several union members raising concerns about excessively hot working conditions. Out of concerns for the health and safety of employees working in ECC Honsha Building, the union notified ECC of the situation. Management has investigated the union’s request and on July 31st provided details of the measures used to cool each floor.

The union reported that on several floors cooling measures were insufficient and ECC has promised to look into the situation further. Members have since reported that their workplaces are cooler.

Office Health Standards, jimushoeiseikijunkisoku, state that employers should make an effort to ensure that office temperatures are above 17 degrees and below 28 degrees. The union will be closely watching the situation.

If you have any concerns, please contact your union rep or the General Union ECC Branch Office on 06-6352-9619.

