Small but important issues solved at Peppy Kids Club

Aug 22, 2012


Prepayment of hotel expenses

In most cases where it is necessary to stay in hotels, PKC management arranges to prepay for hotels. Some managers though, don’t do this and order teachers to pay themselves. While we believe this to be reasonable in exceptional situations, it should not be the norm. Some teachers have been left to pay tens of thousands of yen out of their own pocket and await reimbursement. In a written response, the company has confirmed this as a “communication problem”, and that it is policy that hotels are to be paid for in advance. Even if there is an emergency substitution, and you do not have the cash, let the company know and they will arrange for upfront payment. Our members are happy to report the problem has already been solved for some teachers. Please contact us if you have a manager insist that you must pay for hotels.


Reimbursement of expenses

Once again, management has put it down to “communication problems” but there are teachers in numerous areas that have had trouble getting reimbursement for expenses when there are small problems with kanji on receipts. This has been happening for many years. Some teachers report that they have been accused of forgery when they wrote the company’s name on the receipt after the taxi driver had left it off, and others have told us they have been ordered to make an hour trip to have a taxi company correct small kanji errors. Management has now agreed that they will reimburse blank receipts etc. Please let us know if you have any trouble getting reimbursed.




