How do your conditions compare?

Oct 1, 2012


ECC: 252,000 yen per month for 29.5 hours per week. Guaranteed monthly salary. Yearly pay increases. Approximately 2 weeks paid vacation during summer, and 10 days in winter. 5 flexible paid holidays increasing to 10. Unemployment insurance and shakai hoken for instructors working 30 hours or more.

AEON: 270,000yen guaranteed monthly salary for 36 hours per week. Overtime for more than 25 hours of teaching per week. Three one-week vacations and Japanese national holidays, some of which may fall within vacation periods. Five paid holidays a year. Unemployment Insurance, Shakai Hoken and subsidized accommodation – instructors pays 55,000yen.

Berlitz: A guaranteed 250,000yen per month for 40 lessons per week and a premium for lessons over 40. 10 Paid holidays per year, increasing annually as per the Labour Standards Law. Approximately 5 days off at New Year. National holidays off with pay or a premium for work. Enrollment in unemployment insurance and shakai hoken (for those regularly working over 30 hours per week).



