Union members at Berlitz sent seven new demands for collective bargaining to Berlitz Japan this week.
Demands include:
1. A courtesy call when lessons are cancelled late.
Teachers are now paid for these CTL (cancelled too late) classes, but because teachers don’t always teach their lessons in a row, they may end up at school at 8AM just to find the class cancelled and their next class not until noon.
2. Allowing all teachers to participate in training seminars and workshops.
Berlitz currently chooses the teachers who attend seminars and workshops. All teachers should have a right to improve their skills to provide better service to students in English conversation schools.
3. Explanation of the different pay rates, typhoon closure policies, and break policies.
Berlitz will provide the union with written explanations prior to collective bargaining and members will have a chance to ask and suggest improvements during collective bargaining.
4. Providing all staff with disaster and emergency training.
5. Paying for all time worked.
This is a demand that the union has been working on for some time. The demand stems from the fact that all Berlitz teachers are paid for lesson time only, but this doesn’t take into account the extra work that goes into preparation, paper work, and other teaching related duties that teachers must do before, between, and after lessons.
Negotiation dates will be set soon.
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