The Labour Contract Law has been revised to deal with the expanded use of contract workers in Japanese society. Very basically, the change stipulates that after five years work, your employer has an obligation to make you permanent if you ask. We’re worried that it will be used to get rid of workers before they have a chance to work five years.
- 使用者は4年後に自分を解雇するだけに終わるか?Will they just fire me after four years?
- 使用者は労働契約に上限を定め始めるのではないだろうか?Will employers impose contract limits?
- そうなると、5年後には何が起こるのだろうか?So what happens after 5 years?
- もう会社で働き始めて12年もたっているのに。。。I’ve already worked at my compay for 12 years…
Changes to the Labour Contract Law WILL affect you!
Statement regarding the Labour Contract Law Revision Bill concerning Limited-term Labour Contracts
‘This is translated and reprinted with the kind permission of the Osaka Lawyers’ Union for Labour. All errors in translation and editing are the responsibility of the General Union. Translating such a legal opinion was quite difficult so please excuse the smoothness of the read.