Our second question asked if students want teachers to wear jackets. While a large majority believe that students do not care, 22 people responded that they believe students want us to wear jackets.
Our original question came about when ECC tried to tie wearing a jacket to evaluations by school directors, with this influencing pay increases. Through negotiations, the ECC branch has since forced the company to stop their plans. Saying that though, the company is heavily encouraging teachers to wear jackets. And GABA, despite teachers not being employees, still demands it.
Some Respondent Comments
1. It’s managers who are desperately looking for ways to project an air of professionalism and they think jackets are an easy way that’s free (for the company).
2. The wearing of jackets I feel is not required all the time, but in order to provide a professional first impression a jacket does help.
3. I don’t think the wearing jackets should affect pay raises. I do understand ECC’s standpoint because I have seen many teachers that do not portray a professional nature and as a result the wearing of a jacket helps those teachers to look somewhat professional.
4. No, I don’t. I understand the need to dress neatly and respectably, but I don’t see any need to enforce a particular style, let alone a particular garment.
5. Dress code depends on the location / age group (and thus level of physical activity). If I had to wear a jacket all lesson, I would sweat terribly, which would look pretty bad!
6. Common sense should prevail. Don’t dress like a hobo, but there’s no need for a formal suit. Clean, neat clothing, nothing shabby, tatty, torn or too outrageous, should do in any situation.
7. I think they (ties) should be encouraged in language schools only, because eikaiwa are a business.
8. If women don’t have to wear ties, men shouldn’t “have to” either. In high schools and universities they should not be required. Schools are (supposed to be) a place of learning, not a military.
9. I feel that dressing formally makes it more difficult to do away with barriers to learning. Dressing casually (but not in rags obviously) and closer to what your students might be wearing, facilitates a more relaxed atmosphere that is more conducive to learning.
10. Students usually wish the teacher to be tidy and well dressed – not expensively and not necessarily business attire.