11 July. Strike at Osaka Gaigo.

Jul 10, 2013

 Osaka Gaigo made a last minute pay offer of a measly 0.12 month’s summer bonus for Japanese workers and a ‘no change’ offer for the foreign teachers. The employer did offer and extra ¥5000 extra for the winter bonus, but this is far off the members’ counter offer of one full month’s bonus this year.

Teachers and staff have been suffering cuts to their bonuses and small if any wage increases over many years and this year the General Union in cooperation with Naniwa Union decided to stop the rot in wages and bonuses. The employer rightfully claims a drop in student numbers but failed to show the unions their total labour costs as they have lost many teachers over the years and bonuses have deteriorated for those who remained. Osaka Gaigo also failed to explain their profit/loss over the sale of a building. An honest opening of the books may have prevented a strike but the employer’s failure to be open with their figures while making the workers carry the burden the school’s poor performance are the only reasons this strike is even taking place.

If strike action increases in the future, union members will be called upon to help boost picket lines. A victory at Osaka Gaigo will put all employers on notice that we will not allow the deterioration of our living standards to pay for the bosses’ mistakes.


