Again this year, the union put on seminars for our members and non-members so that all may increase their knowledge of their rights at work and about their union.
The Tokai area meeting took place on 6 October with the Tokai branch and ECC (Tokai) members holding branch meetings and elections prior to the seminars. One of our most well attended branch meetings in years, five executive officers were elected to run the Tokai branch for the following year.
An unexpectedly big turnout among university teachers added a lot of excitement to a seminar very specific to those working in universities around the new dispatch law and how the union has been organizing around this issue. The second seminar lead to a lot of discussion about “Your Rights at Work”.
The Osaka meeting took place on 20 October and was lead off by branch meetings and elections for the following branches: ECC, Schools & Colleges, General, Language Industry Independents, Kun’ei High School, and Panasonic Excel. Aside from elections, the branches also discussed their upcoming demands, campaigns, and organizing for the upcoming year.
After the main seminar, “What is a Union?”, members had a choice between three other seminars: Health & Pension Insurance, Worker Status, and Dispatching. All the presenters felt that member participation in the seminars was quite lively as opposed to just sitting and listening.
We hope to bring you more seminars in the very near future. If you have any questions about the above mentioned topics, please feel free to contact the union.