2. Participate In Training And Workshops
We have been told that MIs will be informed to let all instructors know about upcoming training sessions, and allow all instructors to participate who have not already been invited to do so. Let us know if you are not being informed.
3. Break Policy
A new policy will be implemented that states that instructors are not obligated to work more than six units in a row, and that a real “break” must follow the sixth unit, although instructors may consent to working more than six units in a row.
4. Disaster and Fire Drill Training
We have been told that MIs will be informed to let all staff know about upcoming disaster relief, and fire drill training sessions. All staff who would like to participate may do so, and MIs will consider this when making schedules on training days.
5. Paying For All The Work We Do
This is a demand that the union has been working on for some time. At our latest round of collective bargaining,
Berlitz told us that they would not pay any instructor for any work or preparation done outside of allotted work units, including five minute breaks. The reason given was “Instructors are not asked to do the work”. When asked when instructors should get the material for the classes, Berlitz offered no answer. We posed the question in writing, and will let you know what their answer is.
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