Union gears up to protect university jobs in 2012

Aug 5, 2011

 Often we have waited to negotiate with universities after we have found out about cuts in koma. While we were often successful even after a decision was made it is much more difficult to negotiate cuts when they have already been made. Following up on our success in the 2011 academic year where we made similar demands at five universities and saw no cuts in koma for union members, the union has decided to spread this strategy. This time we will be making demands at about a dozen universities and even sooner than last year. Our strategy is simple. In July we will send demands to these dozenuniversities attached with a list of union members and ask that union members’ koma at least remain the same for 2012. Our hope is that universities, not wanting to provoke a fight with the union, will simply leave members alone. As always, there are no guarantees but if there are cuts, members will have earlier warning and have plenty of time to decide how and if they wish to fight to protect their jobs. Don’t just sit back and wait for your boss to decide your future. Step up to the plate, declare your membership, and demand that your job and working conditions are protected.
