Do you work at St. Thomas University?

Jul 23, 2009

Our one simple demand is that the university take responsibility for their own current situation and not offload the burden on to part-time teachers by reducing their class load. Of course the union is aware of the decreasing population of university aged students, but this is not new, the university should have begun making plans for this situation long ago. The university has not yet announced a reduction in part-timers’ classes. On 3 June the university announced to teachers that they were unsure of the koma (classes) distribution for the 2010 academic year. It is vital that the union move quickly to make sure that the university takes our members’ livelihoods into consideration. The union is willing to sit down with the university to look at what plans the school has for their teachers in the future, but we cannot accept simple dismissals as the answer to this crisis. As a union, we are concerned about further university closures in the future and we will not allow this first case to set precedence and be settled by firings. If you work at St. Thomas or know someone who does, please make sure to contact the General Union. sac(@)
