The union publicized this to the Osaka Labour Bureau and the boards were ordered to stop. But illegal ITAKU continues unabated due to Labor Bureaus’ negligence in other prefectures. The biggest ITAKU company nationwide, Interac, continues its business in Kanto, Tokai and Kyushu. Responding to a survey sent this autumn by the General Union to all the city boards of education in Aichi, no fewer than 16 boards replied “not HAKEN (dispatch) but ITAKU”, admitting their own involvement in illegally outsourcing lessons. This reply, sent directly to the General Union, has become definite proof of something that ought never to happen: the outsourcing of public education. The General Union took full action on October 19 to stop illegal ITAKU (subcontracting) in Aichi Prefecture. In the morning, the union sued Interac at the Osaka Prefectural Labor Committee for Interac’s (which distributes a manual containing sentences such as “subcontracting avoids the trouble of labor relations” and “be sure not to mistakenly join the General Union or NUGW”). In the afternoon documents were submitted to the Aichi Labor Bureau which shows that Interac and Tokai city boards of education are violating the Dispatch Law and the Employment Security Law through the use of illegal ITAKU contracts and urged the Labour Bureau to survey all boards of education in Aichi Prefecture. Finally, a visit was made to the Aichi Prefectural Board of Education. The union let them know that as the supervising board of education for the prefecture, they were responsible for allowing illegal ITAKU contracts. The prefectural board admitted that they had “just received a notice about that issue in September from the Education and Labor Ministries” (sent as a result of union negotiations with the government) and promised to investigate. Our activities were covered in all the major newspapers, both in English and in Japanese. The Dispatch Law is being badly abused by these boards of education and dispatch companies. Together, let’s take a clear stand for good jobs and against the casualization of labour and outsourcing of public education.