Big Brother is Watching

Mar 1, 2005

 The list of explanations management has provided so far are as follows;

  • They are for the purpose of monitoring teachers
  • They are for distance learning
  • They are for corporate clients to observe their employee’s lessons

BEGUNTO representatives went to visit Shin Aoyama Language Center to investigate the camera system. Representatives confirmed that cameras were in all classrooms. The cameras had shaded lenses and were placed in the corners of the ceiling as opposed to the video camera style used for distance learning (sitting on top of a television in one room). Immediately after the visit at a union and company meeting, H.R. stated that the cameras were for corporate clients to observe employees and were ‘surprised’ that the Instructional Supervisor in Shin Aoyama was using them to monitor instructors.

The union’s demand on this issue is simple. This system not be abused. Berlitz promised to provide an official response to this demand by next week.



Berlitz H.R. sticks with its first explanation that the cameras are for corporate clients to observe employees although the system is ‘rarely’ used and serves better as a sales tool. The supply and installation cost of the camera system was zero. This has been merited to a ‘bonus’ deal made during the construction of multiple new language centers.




