Good news for the first eNews

Feb 28, 2012

Berlitz Japan had sued our sister union NUGW Tokyo Nambu for a whole load of money claiming that the union partook in illegal strikes damaging their business.To make a long story short, the company lost. See today’s edition of the Japan Times for the long story.

Now the eNews story. Do you read the eNews? We’re hoping to make the eNews a little more user friendly so that you will read it and hope that it keeps you in better touch with what’s going on at the General Union and in our community.

You’ll see a calendar at the left telling you about important upcoming events, negotiations, and meetings. Below this is news about important campaigns that you can take part in from

The next big change is something that we want you to talk to us about by contributing important community events and news. Do you have an event that you want listed, please look at the left hand column to find out how to let us know.

Below this is our new Twitter feed. Did you know that the union twitters? Follow us @generalunion.

Finally, some folks don’t a have a chance to read every issue of the eNews, so just in case you can’t read it every time, we’re also leaving the last ten stories from every edition so even if you miss one, you can follow up later.

Don’t forget to like our stories on Facebook by clicking the buttons just under the titles of each story.

You can also share the entire eNews on Facebook, Twitter, and by email by using the button to the right of the logo. Thanks for reading and sharing with your friends.


