Strikes start at Nichibei Eigo Gakuin

Mar 31, 2003

5 years ago, they demanded a pay rise, and were refused. Strikes followed, and a 3- year battle ensued over union-busting, which the GU finally won. Last year again, members went on strike for more pay. The company offered only a 1.5% pay rise, which the union refused, as some employees have not had a pay rise for many years. One teacher had not had a single pay rise for 10 years (since joining the company). This year they have proposed a minimum guarantee of 0.2% per year (1% over 5 years). This is nothing but an insult to teachers of over 10 years’ service with the company. An evaluation/pay rise system they set up last year yielded 0% pay rises for all union members. The General Union thinks this situation is an outrage, especially when the company has just opened a brand-new school in Shinjuku. It’s time for a serious pay increase at Nichibei.
