Is there a school you really enjoy working at? A school where the staff really support you? Where you know when you walk into the classroom there will be whiteboard markers, scissors, enough crayons, glue even? Where the FTL text books are in great condition and there are no pages missing? Let’s encourage all schools out there to reach a high standard. Results of the survey will be published here and forwarded to ECC. Your input is needed to help ECC improve, and maintain high standards. Click here to fill out the survey! Background Resources and teaching materials have often been a problem at ECC. In 2005, the General Union won assurances from ECC that they would seek to improve the situation. After ECC failed to make any changes we launched the Best (and worst) School Survey in 2006. When the results were published, ECC went to great lengths to replace free time lesson textbooks and teaching supplies in kids lesson rooms.