Annual Leave at ECC- How many days do you get?

Feb 9, 2012

ECC has an agreement with a workplace representative (not the union) which fixes 10 annual leave days with pay (ALP) for full time teachers every academic year, and sets the anniversary date for the allocation of new ALPs. ALPs are accredited once a year on April 13, this is the “anniversary date”. Your initial ALP eligibility is determined by when you start working at ECC. For teachers joining before October 12 you will receive 5 flexible ALPs. However, from the day you join ECC until April 12, is counted as one academic year. From the second to fourth academic year of employment your receive 15 ALPs (5 flexible and 10 fixed) From the fifth academic year, 16 ALPs (6 flexible and 10 fixed). From the sixth academic year, 18 ALPs (8 flexible and 10 fixed). From the seventh academic year, 20 ALPs (10 flexible and 10 fixed). Still confused? Let’s look at Mary’s situation. She joined ECC on May 5th, 2005.

Dates    Flexible    Fixed   Total
  2005.05.05-2006.04.12     5 days     10 days     15 days  
  2006.04.13-2007.04.12     5 days     10 days     15 days  
  2007.04.13-2008.04.12     5 days     10 days     15 days  
  2008.04.13-2009.04.12     5 days     10 days     15 days  
  2009.04.13-2010.04.12     6 days     10 days     16 days  
  2010.04.13-2011.04.12     8 days     10 days     18 days  
  2011.04.13-2012.04.12     10 days     10 days     20 days  
