Janaury 18 Union Dues Check Off Agreement Signed
The General Union ECC Branch becomes the first union branch at a major eikaiwa chain to win a union dues “check off” agreement with their employer. From February 2010, union members started having the option to have their union dues deducted directly from their salary.
April 26 Collective Agreement Signed
A new forum created for ECC union members to hold labour-management discussions every 3 months, allowing members the opportunity to express their concerns, opinions and suggestions directly to management.
ECC agrees to improved workplace safety by placing evacuation maps in all classrooms by the end of June 2010.
The General Union and ECC formalize the agreement of a toll-free number for Kinki district sub teachers.
June 25 Chubu District ALP Lottery to be abolished
ECC agrees to abolish the lottery. From April 1st, 2011, Instructors in Chubu district will no longer have to worry about winning the ALP lottery to take annual leave around the summer and winter breaks. .
July 7 Grievance- Answer
Members working at Tennoji Station Plaza raised concerns over the lack of ventilation in a particular FTL booth. ECC agreed that the situation was far from ideal for instructors and students and will install a fan.
August 4 Collective Agreement Signed
ECC agrees to provide at least 10 days notice for working hours and working locations for shifts on buffer days and for block/ASM meetings.
In locations where there is limited access to water, ECC will provide water coolers.
ECC will make efforts to provide “waiting areas” in schools where floor space, etc allows.
August 30 Grievance- Answer
A member was told at the very last minute that their working hours would change to teach summer intensive courses. The situation was even further complicated when the school and native personnel gave the instructor different working hours for the day. ECC has agreed this is totally unacceptable and will endeavour to inform all instructors of shifts changes as soon as possible, and that shift changes shall be in writing either from the SD or the personnel department.
August 31 IC Timecards
The union officially submits demands to ECC that the agreement over the replacement for lost, stolen or damaged IC timecards be withdrawn.
ECC refuses and tries to seek co-operation from the union.
October 7 Demands for Collective Bargaining
Not satisfied with ECC’s response over IC timecards, permanent employment and special leave for instructors the union re-submitted demands.
October 20 Grievance- Submitted
Members working at Sannomiya school contacted the union with concerns that the ban on eating (including light snacks) was excessive. Situation rectified.
November 29 Demands re-submitted
The union continues to push for special leave, job security and the abolishment of the IC Timecard replacement fee.
December 17 2011 Academic Demands Submitted
To celebrate the ECC branch’s 15th year anniversary, the union submitted 15 demands. Negotiations with ECC for the 2011 Academic Year follow the union’s basic stance of job security, equal working conditions and opportunities, and improved conditions for all. Click here for more details