Shakai Hoken? With Fewer Than 30 Hours? Yes!
Shakai Hoken/Shigaku Kyosai is health and pension insurance provided through your employer, with both parties paying 50% of the costs.…
Shakai Hoken/Shigaku Kyosai is health and pension insurance provided through your employer, with both parties paying 50% of the costs.…
Recently, one of our members lost their job and - for the first time ever - found themselves able apply…
Worried about being fired after five years? Has your employer informed you of their five year plan? What does an…
With the number of HISEIKI workers (irregular workers on limited term contracts - See “Regular vs Irregular workers. What's the…
1. 法・政策(1) 年金の受給開始を70歳以降も選択可に―有識者ら提言 高齢化に対応する社会づくりを議論している内閣府の有識者検討会は9月12日、公的年金の受給開始年齢を70歳より後にできる仕組みづくりを盛り込んだ提言の骨子案をまとめた。政府は提言をもとに、年内に中長期的な高齢者施策の指針となる「高齢社会対策大綱」の改定案を閣議決定する見込み。 年金の受給開始年齢は原則65歳だが、今も60~70歳の間で開始年齢を選ぶことができる。早くすれば65歳から受給するより受給額が最大で30%減り、逆に遅くすれば最大42%増える。
In the week beginning 6th of February 2017, part-time teachers (including General Union members) at Doshisha Iwakura Junior High School…
In the week beginning 6th of February 2017, part-time teachers (including General Union members) at Doshisha Iwakura Junior High School…
The partially amended Pension Insurance Act became effective on October 1st, 2016. Due to this change, the minimum payment period…
Original title: The Osaka Labor Bureau's comments on avoiding conversion to unlimited-term contract Part 1 here To better understand this…
Teachers with limited-term (usually one year) contracts make up a large proportion of the teachers at universities, colleges, and high…
(Effective April 1st, 2013) What are the main changes? After the fixed-term employment contract is renewed repeatedly for a total…
(Effective April 1st, 2013) What are the main changes? After the fixed-term employment contract is renewed repeatedly for a total…
This bulletin contains information on law changes that have either passed, or are being discussed, in parliament, court decisions, and…
This bulletin contains information on law changes that have either passed, or are being discussed, in parliament, court decisions, and…
実際の裁判は、例えば有名なアメリカの法廷ドラマ「ペリー・メイスン」のようには進まないようである。 ゼネラルユニオン組合員が大阪外語を相手取って起こした裁判の第1回公判は3月に開かれたが、現在も書面や書証の提出・交換が行なわれている。年内には証人調べが行なわれることを我々は希望しているが、どうなるかはまだ不明である。